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Career Advice

coastal defence

Build your own coastal defence and visit the Netherlands

Do you want to win a trip to the Netherlands to visit HZ University of Applied Sciences and the world-famous Storm Surge Barrier on the Eastern-Scheldt? All you need to do is take part in this civil engineering project with your physics class by building your own coastal defence. Who knows it may be you […]
23 November 2018
Est. Reading: 3 minutes
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Women in Construction

5 Reasons Why a Career in Construction is perfect for Women

For a bunch of reasons (which we explored here previously – check it out), the construction industry in Ireland does not have enough women in their workforce. Even after a huge push to get ladies to study STEM, and active recruiting strategies, the numbers just aren’t there. According to the Women in Trades Network Ireland, […]
10 September 2018
Est. Reading: 3 minutes
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