
UCD Engineering will welcome 5th and 6th year students, A-Level students, mature applicants, parents and teachers to UCD Engineering Open Evening.

The webinar takes place on 11 January 2022  at 6:00 PM.

This event will focus on an overview of degree subjects available through Engineering DN150. You will hear from UCD staff, students and graduates and you will have the opportunity to ask questions during our live Q&A.

A link to the webinar will be emailed to attendees in advance of the event.

In the meantime, you may find information on UCD courses at https://www.myucd.ie/courses/engineering/

Enquiries: Laura Egan-O’Brien, laura.egan-obrien@ucd.ie

UCD Engineering Open Evening

Please register :  Click Here

Construction Jobs Expo is an excellent opportunity to meet employers face-to-face, make great industry connections and attend innovative seminars. The event establishes a more informal setting, where you can talk to employers in a more relaxed environment. In addition to meeting employers, there are industry talks from career professionals taking place throughout the day on the Agenda Stage.

Irish Water, in partnership with Dublin City Council and South Dublin County Council, continues to progress works on the new state-of-the-art reservoir construction in Saggart.

This strategically important project will help safeguard the water supply to homes and businesses in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) by increasing the security and resilience of the drinking water supply to homes and businesses, facilitating future growth and development in southwest Dublin and addressing the current and medium-term water supply demands of the GDA.

The project involves the construction of a new, covered, treated storage reservoir and associated pipelines, which will have the capacity to store 100 million litres of treated drinking water, the equivalent of 40 Olympic sized swimming pools, supplied from Ballymore Eustace Water Treatment Plant, the largest water treatment plant in the country. It will also include a new electro chlorination plant and associated infrastructure as well as the construction of approximately 680 metres of the new Slade Valley trail which will run along the boundary of Irish Water’s site and has been incorporated into the design of the works at the reservoir site. This is the first section of the trail to be constructed within the town limits of Saggart.

This upgrade marks the first significant investment in the existing Saggart waterworks since it was built in the 1950s. The current waterworks will be replaced with a new state-of-the-art reservoir, which will provide increased treated drinking water storage and new infrastructure that is critical for our communities and our economy to grow and develop. This project is one of a number of critical steps in safeguarding Dublin’s water supply to ensure it is capable of meeting current and future demand.

The works, which began in March, are progressing well with construction on the main reservoir structure and inlet valve house already underway. Works to divert the existing supply pipeline have been completed and existing reservoir structures have been removed.

State-of-the-art reservoir Construction in Saggart

Speaking about the project, Stephen Seymour, Portfolio Delivery Manager with Irish Water, said: “The delivery of this significant project will improve security and resilience of supply to the Greater Dublin Area, as well as supporting future growth and development. It is one of a number of water projects in the GDA that will provide the infrastructure needed to support the building of houses and schools, to attract new industry and to allow companies to expand and grow.

The size and scale of the task to improve water services for a modern, growing economy shouldn’t be underestimated. We have made significant progress but there is work still to do as we continue to build world class water infrastructure through our multi-billion programme of investment.

The new reservoir will have the capacity to store enough water to supply almost 300,000 homes with the water they need for one day. It is one of a portfolio of water projects that we are delivering to safeguard the water supply to homes and businesses.

The project is being delivered on behalf of Irish Water by Coffey Construction Ireland Ltd. and is expected to be completed within 3 years. For more information, please visit www.water.ie/saggart.

Irish Water is responsible for the delivery of all public water and wastewater services in Ireland. We are committed to continuously upgrading and developing critical infrastructure to support the growth needed in housing and across our economy, while protecting the environment and safeguarding water supplies.

Construction Jobs Expo is an excellent opportunity to meet employers face-to-face, make great industry connections and attend innovative seminars. The event establishes a more informal setting, where you can talk to employers in a more relaxed environment. In addition to meeting employers, there are industry talks from career professionals taking place throughout the day on the Agenda Stage..

€21.5 million has been earmarked for 27 landmark regeneration projects in rural communities across the country.

The funding, under the Rural Regeneration Development Fund (RRDF), is being invested in projects that will rejuvenate town centres, drive economic growth and footfall, combat dereliction, develop pedestrian zones and outdoor spaces and boost tourism in Rural Ireland.

A number of the projects approved for funding involve the re-purposing of old, derelict and historical buildings into modern-day remote working hubs, as well as enterprise, cultural and community facilities.

Landmark Regeneration Funding

Announcing the funding for the 27 projects, The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD:

“In 2022, we will continue to roll-out unprecedented levels of investment in Rural Ireland – making our towns and villages even better places to live, work, raise a family and run a business. Today’s announcement is proof of our strong commitment to supporting our rural communities both economically and socially. The projects being invested in represent the huge ambition that underpins ‘Our Rural Future’ and will have a truly transformational impact right across the country. When complete, these projects will leave a lasting difference on these locations for generations to come, benefitting tens of thousands of families in Rural Ireland.”

The successful projects announced today are Category 2 Projects. Projects funded under Category 2 are those that require significant development before they reach the stage of being shovel ready.

The projects receiving funding include:

  • Edenderry Regeneration Phase II, Co. Offaly - €2.15 million: This significant investment will turn a major derelict site in the town centre into a state-of-the-art community centre, providing for a community library, as well as leisure and cultural facilities.
  • Drumshambo, Co. Leitrim - €596, 290: A landmark project that will see two high-profile buildings in the town centre – including a former Bank of Ireland building re-purposed as the Exchange Smart Working Hub and Creative Studios, providing remote working and creative spaces. The project will create access to the town backlands for recreation and business use, and also includes the carrying out of design works for the People’s Park.
  • Dungarvan Digital Transformation Hub, Co. Waterford - €1.39 million: This project will see the renovation of three town centre buildings into a Digital Transformation Hub - delivering office, training and innovation workspace for almost 200 people.
  • Listowel, Co. Kerry: ‘Where Story Begins’ - €729,304: This major project involves the renewal of the town square, as well as the provision of a multifunctional co-working, tourism, heritage and cultural building. It also involves the connection of the North Kerry Greenway into the heart of the town and the repurposing of under-utilised units in the town centre as enterprise spaces.*
  • Oldcastle Town Centre, Co. Meath - €854,502: This project will see major public realm upgrades to the town square, as well as the transformation of the vacant Fairgreen area into a new plaza and bowling green.
  • Borris-in-Ossary, Co, Laois - €212,000: This project involves the renovation and re-use of the historic courthouse building as a remote working and community facility.
  • ‘Granard Destination Town’, Co. Longford: €1.11 million: This project involves the development of a multi-use open space and parkland, as well as public realm enhancements - increasing connectivity and reducing congestion in the town centre.
  • Rathvilly, Co. Carlow - €222,000: ‘Vision Rathvilly’ involves the development of a village regeneration project in Rathvilly, involving a multi-purpose hub in a former school premises that will provide social, cultural, economic and community facilities.
  • Gort, Co, Galway - €798,000: The G’ort Inse Guaire’ project involves the re-design of the Market Square and town centre streets and will reinvigorate Canon Quinn Park, a greenspace in the town centre.
  • Nenagh, Co. Tipperary - €1.2 million: The Rialto Digital and Enteprise Hub will replace a disused cinema in the town. The plans will see the re-development of a brownfield site behind the hub, a new streetscape and will explore the potential provision of town centre housing and a new public amenity.
  • Callan, Co. Kilkenny - €862,000: This project is focussed on the regeneration of the historic core of Callan Town and will re-develop existing historical buildings to provide a library, youth, community, arts space and a remote working hub.
  • Buncrana, Co Donegal - €1.17 million: ‘Repowering Buncrana’ will strengthen the shore front, enhance walking and cycling facilities , provide quality shore front amenities and integrate art and biodiversity into the urban landscape.

A full list of the successful projects is available here

Commenting further on the funding announcement, Minister Humphreys added:

“The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund, along with the Town and Village Renewal Scheme and the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Fund, is delivering unprecedented levels of investment to rural communities. This Fund alone has now delivered €277 million in funding for 191 projects worth a total of €374 million. I’m particularly pleased to see that so many projects being supported today will provide remote working opportunities for tens of thousands of people. Remote Working is the now very much part of the fabric of Rural Ireland due to Covid-19. By continuing to invest in remote working facilities - by turning old, run-down buildings into digital hubs, we will ensure more of our young people can work and live in their own community.”

Construction Jobs Expo is an excellent opportunity to meet employers face-to-face, make great industry connections and attend innovative seminars. The event establishes a more informal setting, where you can talk to employers in a more relaxed environment. In addition to meeting employers, there are industry talks from career professionals taking place throughout the day on the Agenda Stage..

The Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project has been awarded the prestigious title of Engineering Endeavour of 2021 by Engineers Ireland. The wastewater drainage project has ended the decades-long practice of discharging raw sewage directly into Cork Lower Harbour.

Following seven years of extensive engineering works and completed in September 2021, the drainage scheme now prevents the equivalent of 40,000 wheelie bins of raw sewage from Ringaskiddy, Carrigaline, Crosshaven, Passage West, Monkstown and Cobh Town being discharged untreated each day into Cork Harbour, the second largest natural harbour in the world.

The project was completed in a number of phases by Irish Water, who invested €144 million to ensure that wastewater was collected and fully treated before its safe discharge into the harbour. In addition to constructing a state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plant in Shanbally, the project also involved two of the longest horizontal directional drills ever undertaken in Ireland to install sewer pipes over 1km long, some 60m below the Lee Estuary. Over 20,000 businesses and homes are now connected to the new wastewater scheme, which will protect the environment and support the sustainable development and growth of local communities.

“A high degree of engineering ingenuity and skill was required across all phases of this project, and we are incredibly proud to receive the Engineering Endeavour of 2021 title,” commented Déaglán Healy, Project Manager at Irish Water. “We have come a long way since we started work on this project in 2014. Irish Water has eliminated 60% of raw sewage discharges across Ireland, and we are on track to remove 95% by 2025. This project brings huge benefits to communities around Cork Lower Harbour by protecting the environment and supporting the development of homes and businesses.

“This scheme and its benefits have been delivered safely through a hugely collaborative effort between Irish Water and our delivery partners, Cork County Council, Engineering Representatives and contract supervisors Nicholas O’ Dwyer Limited and Long O’Donnell Limited, Contractors Farrans Sorensen Joint Venture, O’Connor Utilities, Ward & Burke, EPS and Sisk and of course, all the communities and businesses whose cooperation and patience have allowed these works to succeed," Mr Healy added.

Professor Orla Feely, President of Engineers Ireland, said: “Engineers have a vital role to play to protect our environment and support our communities. The Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project is a fantastic example of how Ireland’s engineers develop creative and innovative solutions for society. By eliminating raw sewage discharge in these areas in Cork, this project has not only created a cleaner harbour for local communities, but it has also provided new opportunities for sustainable social and economic development.”

Caroline Spillane, Director General of Engineers Ireland, added: “The challenges we face as a society all require and benefit from engineering innovation. Each of the shortlisted projects for this accolade demonstrate the creative ways in which Ireland’s engineers seek to support and transform the daily lives of individuals, families, and communities. I would like to offer my congratulations to Irish Water on achieving the prestigious title of Engineering Endeavour of 2021 and applaud each shortlisted finalist who appeared in our Engineering Excellence Digital Series.”

Paddy Hayes, CEO, ESB said: “The Engineers Ireland Engineering Excellence Digital Series shines a light on the outstanding and diverse achievements of engineers across Ireland. I would like to commend all of the project teams shortlisted and congratulate Irish Water on winning the prestigious Engineering Endeavour of 2021 Award, for the Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project.”

The Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project was awarded the accolade having featured in Engineers Ireland’s Engineering Excellence Digital Series, held in association with ESB, and was chosen by the public and members of Engineers Ireland as the top engineering project of 2021 following an online vote.

To find out more about the Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project and to view the six-part Engineering Excellence Digital Series, held in association with ESB and supported by Accenture and Geoscience Ireland, visit: https://www.engineersireland.ie/Professionals/Events/Featured-events/Excellence-Awards/Engineering-Excellence-Digital-Series

Construction Jobs Expo is an excellent opportunity to meet employers face-to-face, make great industry connections and attend innovative seminars. The event establishes a more informal setting, where you can talk to employers in a more relaxed environment. In addition to meeting employers, there are industry talks from career professionals taking place throughout the day on the Agenda Stage..

This year's RIAI Gold Medal for Architecture been awarded to O’Donnell + Tuomey, for the Lyric Theatre in Belfast.

O'Donnell+Tuomey is an award-winning architectural practice led by Sheila O'Donnell and John Tuomey, and an ambitious team based in Dublin, Cork and London

The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) is the Regulatory and Support body for Architects in Ireland.

According to RIAI, "Standing on sloping site between Belfast’s brick streetscape and the serpentine parkland of the River Lagan, the design of the Lyric is a response to site, setting and context. The building’s striking irregular shape is a direct response to these conditions. Materials have been chosen to endure and for their craftsmanship and this extends to the rich timber-lined auditorium."

RIAI Gold Medal for Architecture

The RIAI Gold is the highest honour in Irish Architecture and has been presented by the RIAI since 1934 for a design of exceptional merit by an RIAI architect, in Ireland or internationally.

Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland, sent a special message to the winners and the RIAI: “As a society we place enormous trust in our architects, charging them with visualising and designing the buildings which shape the environment in which we live our daily lives. Our architecture not only reflects the contemporary moment in which it was built. It also captures that moment for future generations, allowing them a greater understanding of the past from which the modern age has flowed. That is an invaluable gift to society, and a great responsibility for all those charged with the creation and construction of the edifices which define our landscapes. This Triennial Gold Medal is an important recognition of those who have excelled in this most critical field. I congratulate its winners, and commend The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland for its greatly valuable and generous work.”

Ciaran O’Connor, FRIAI, RIAI President, said: “I would like to congratulate Sheila O’Donnell and John Tuomey and their colleagues as well as their clients from the Lyric Theatre on this outstanding building – a worthy recipient of the RIAI Gold Medal. This is the second RIAI Gold Medal for O’Donnell + Tuomey who were previously awarded for the Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School. The RIAI Gold Medal demonstrates the enduring value that architecture brings to society and people’s lives.”

Peter Hynes, FRIAI, Chair of the Jury, said “The Lyric Theatre was the subject of a design competition won in 2003 by O’Donnell + Tuomey. The Architects then engaged in an intense and extensive dialogue with client and users before being novated in 2009 to join the main contractor for a two-year construction period. Viewed after a first decade in service the Lyric today is a deeply considered and exquisitely crafted building which responds to and engages with its physical and cultural contexts and enriches both. It combines the welcome of arrival with the drama of movement and the surprise of discovery on many levels. It integrates public functions and programmatic requirements in a generous, innovative and mutually supportive way and it serves as a focal point for the local community and the wider creative community of the city and beyond. This distinguished piece of Architecture is a very worthy and welcome addition to the ranks of the winners of the RIAI Gold Medal.”

RIAI Gold Medal Shortlist 

Heneghan Peng Architects - Giant’s Causeway Visitors’ Centre
Denis Byrne Architects - Gas Networks Services Centre
Donnelly Turpin Architects - Rathmines Square and Leisure Centre
Scott Tallon Walker Architects - The Aviva Stadium
McCullough Mulvin Architects - Trinity Long Room Hub
Robin Lee Architecture - Wexford County Council Headquarters with Arthur Gibney & Partners

Construction Jobs Expo is an excellent opportunity to meet employers face-to-face, make great industry connections and attend innovative seminars. The event establishes a more informal setting, where you can talk to employers in a more relaxed environment. In addition to meeting employers, there are industry talks from career professionals taking place throughout the day on the Agenda Stage..

The Deadline to enter the Irish Construction Excellence Awards (ICE Awards) is fast approaching.

The ICE Awards are the original and premier recognition of performance excellence for the contracting sector in Ireland.

The deadline to enter is 10th December 2021.

The Irish Construction Excellence Awards

The ICE Awards provide an opportunity for the industry to showcase and reward best practice across the full range of construction disciplines and project categories.

Entry to the ICE Awards is open to: Building Contractors, Civil Engineering Contractors, Specialist M&E Contractors, Specialist Contractors, Construction Product Manufacturers/Suppliers based in the ROI and Third Level Colleges in Ireland offering certain construction related courses.

How to Enter 

Who should enter?

Entry to the ICE Awards is open to: Building Contractors, Civil Engineering Contractors, Specialist M&E Contractors, Specialist Contractors, Construction Product Manufacturers/Suppliers based in the ROI and Third Level Colleges in Ireland offering certain construction related courses.

Award Categories

The ICE Awards categories provide an opportunity for the industry to highlight excellent performance across the full range of construction disciplines and project categories. Click the ‘Find Out More’ tab below to enter.

The Engineering Excellence Digital Series, is designed by Engineers Ireland’s to spotlight the creative ways Ireland’s engineers seek to support and transform society.

Five engineering projects have been selected to represent the top engineering initiatives undertaken in the fields of innovation, sustainability, buildings and structures, and infrastructure in 2021.

Engineers Ireland is now asking you to vote for your top engineering project featured in the series for the Engineering Endeavour of 2021 Award. Watch the videos below and cast your vote today!

Engineering Excellence Digital Series

The Load Reduction Device, developed by marine engineering specialists Dublin Offshore to support offshore wind development. In addition to cost savings of over €300m for a 1GW project, the device is set to reduce the risk of mooring failure and will bridge the gap between the cost of floating and fixed offshore wind

Dunderrow Solar Farm, the largest solar farm in the Republic of Ireland, developed by Eli Lilly Kinsale and Enerpower. The annual power generated by this solar farm is equivalent to the power consumption of Kinsale town. The solar farm allows Lilly to reduce its annual use of electricity from carbon sources by almost 6GWH and its carbon footprint by 2,350 tonnes

The Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project, which has connected 20,000 homes and businesses to the drainage scheme and has ended the practice of discharging the equivalent of 40,000 wheelie bins of raw sewage into Cork Harbour every day. This project by Irish Water has also greatly improved the amenity value of the Cork Lower Harbour for the surrounding communities of Ringaskiddy, Carrigaline, Crosshaven, Passage West, Monkstown, and Cobh town

The L12 Heat Pump, the world’s largest solid state, zero emission heat pump developed by Exergyn, a Dublin-based creative clean-tech company. This heat pump is currently the only refrigerant free, and carbon neutral alternative to vapour compression technologies and is putting Ireland to the forefront of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry

The National Children’s Hospital Concrete Frame, a structurally ambitious and intricately engineered frame which forms the heart of the new Children’s Hospital in Dublin. From exposed concrete finish elliptical columns, to twenty metre tall inclined columns, the frame, developed by Kwik RC Frames and BAM Ireland, is vast in scale and incorporates innovative construction methodologies

Aisling Hahessy, a Senior Structural Engineer with Arup, also features in the series having been chosen by Engineers Ireland’s Officers as the Engineer of the Year in recognition of the impact and contribution of her work on communities both in Ireland and overseas


Cast your vote and help decide what project will be awarded the accolade of Engineering Endeavour of 2021.

Voting closes at 12 noon on Friday, 10 December. Votes cast outside of this time period will not be counted.


Construction Jobs Expo is an excellent opportunity to meet employers face-to-face, make great industry connections and attend innovative seminars.


The final phase of The Five Cities Demand Management Research Report has been published by The Department of Transport. The Report was conducted by Systra LTD,  a consulting and engineering firm,  on behalf of the Department.

The Five Cities Demand Management Research Report helps us "to better understand what drives transport demand and how we can encourage a greater shift to more sustainable and healthier forms of travel in Ireland’s five largest urban centres—Dublin, Cork, Waterford, Limerick, and Galway. The findings from this Study will constitute a valuable resource for National and Local Authorities as they work to implement complementary demand management policy measures at national and local level over the coming years."

The ‘Five Cities Demand Management Study’ has been developed in two Phases: Phase 1 consists of the qualitative appraisal of shortlisted demand management measures and the Toolkits (published in March 2021 here ).

This Study supports the delivery of desirable outcomes outlined in the 2021 Climate Action Plan as we work to decarbonise our transport system and address the challenges of climate change.

As part of the overall Study, a wide range of measures have been identified and assessed in terms of their impact in reducing emissions, tackling congestion, improving air quality, and improving the overall urban environment of the five cities. This includes measures such as, reallocating road space from cars to prioritise walking, cycling and public transport; delivering safer walking and cycling options; reducing parking provision; and introducing the concept of 15- minute neighbourhoods – where all the daily needs of a city’s population can be reached by a short walk, cycle or public transport journey.

The outputs of the completed Research Report provide a series of evidence-based demand management recommendations for each of our 5 cities (ranked in order of effectiveness) along with a national roadmap for delivery.

The next steps will be for the Department of Transport to engage with Regional Assemblies and Local Authorities to identify a pathway for the implementation of demand management measures in the coming years.

The Five Cities Demand Management Recommendations Report and Executive Summary are available to view here.

The Build Digital Alliance, led by TU Dublin, has been awarded funding for their proposal which sets out plans to gather momentum in digital adoption in the construction sector in Ireland.

The Build Digital grant project was established under Project Ireland 2040 to foster increasing levels of innovation in the Irish Construction Sector. Project Ireland 2040 needs a competitive, dynamic and sustainable construction sector to deliver new social, economic and climate resilient infrastructure. To achieve this outcome, we need to influence building design and construction towards a more industrialised approach.

The Build Digital project is one of seven priority action points arising from the Building Innovation Report , which drew upon a wide-ranging survey and consultation, international benchmarking process and an economic analysis of causes of productivity trends in the Construction Sector in Ireland.

The Build Digital grant agreement between DPER and the Build Digital Alliance amounts to €2.5 million over a five year period. After 5 years the project will have delivered increased digital adoption across the entire Irish construction and built environment sector.

Some actions that will be undertaken to achieve this include;

  • establishing an Irish Build Digital Leadership Forum to co-ordinate and lead the sector in digital adoption along with a Build Digital Exchange Hub for accessible resource knowledge learning and sharing across the sector,
  • undertaking an annual national survey for monitoring progress, impact, and developments in respect of the Build Digital project goals,
  • engaging widely by region, sector and partnering globally to provide access for Irish organisations to international best practice for adoption and adaptation,
  • identifying, monitoring, and publishing on Living Lab projects of different scales, types, and locations, in collaboration with public and private sector clients,
  • developing an Irish building information modelling (BIM) Framework to support the industry in the delivery of ISO standards and associated guidance,
  • improving the quality, consistency, and availability of education and training supports for digital adoption,
  • developing digital procurement product identification standards and training materials,
  • benchmarking progress under Build Digital against international comparators.

Build Digital Alliance

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, praised the initiative in an online announcement saying:

“The Build Digital Alliance proposal will allow Ireland to realise its digital ambitions and will aid in delivering public projects to a higher standard using digital efficiencies. As part of the Build Digital Project, The Irish Build Digital Exchange Hub will be key in the sharing of knowledge and learnings across the entire sector.

"We must work together with the sector in a collaborative fashion and empower the industry to increase productivity through innovation. This will be hugely significant as the recently published €165 billion National Development Plan is rolled out over the next number of years.

"The principle aim of the Build Digital Project is to ensure that world class digital practices, which already exist in certain elements in the construction sector, are adopted throughout the industry and supply chain in order to achieve a more sustainable and innovative sector. It is also important to acknowledge the strong regional dimension to this project with a number of partners involved in the consortium from various parts of the country, including Munster Technological University”.

PJ Rudden, Chairman of the Construction Innovation and Digital Adoption group said that:

“This innovation project will accelerate the necessary digital transformation of the construction industry and in doing so, will greatly increase both productivity and sustainability”.

Congratulating TU Dublin, Caroline Spillane, Director General of Engineers Ireland, said:

“Digital-focused research and innovation is required in a wide range of infrastructure sectors to support climate action. The Build Digital Project will provide guidance and leadership on the necessary digital tools, standards, approaches and training required by all across the construction sector.

"TU Dublin will now play a central role in the delivery of this vital project and the advancement of our industry towards a digital transformation, in addition to supporting the ambitions set out in the Government’s Project Ireland 2040 investment strategy.”

The benefits of Build Digital should support a range of construction sub-sectors under Project Ireland 2040 including the delivery of Housing for All , by assisting the speed of delivery, reducing the cost of delivery, and improving the quality of output and the maintenance of structures once built.

The announcement of the grant comes following an open and competitive grant call for proposals published in December 2020. In addition to regular reporting requirement TU Dublin will be asked to submit a major interim report in June 2024.

Spokesperson for Build Digital Alliance said:

"TU Dublin, the Construction IT Alliance, Galway-Mayo IT, Munster Technological University, University College Dublin, and Waterford IT are delighted to have been awarded the prestigious Build Digital grant, which represents the largest state investment to date in the development of holistic improvement of performance for the Irish construction sector. The project will support sectoral stakeholders, particularly SMEs and clients, in innovating and increasing their productivity while also contributing to reducing the climate impact of the built environment".

As part of Recruit.ie’s ongoing mission to provide online recruitment opportunities to jobseekers, Virtual Recruitment Ireland is hosting a live, online, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Careers Expo on Thursday, 25th November 2021 from 10am to 4pm. 

This event is sponsored by WuXi Biologics & WuXi Vaccines and features leading industry companies including Intel, Viatris, HID Global, Harmac, and more.

Register now to attend and learn about industry openings, chat directly with hiring managers and recruiters and land yourself that dream role in the Manufacturing & Supply Chain industry.

Bronagh Cotter, CEO of Recruit.ie and Director of Careers Unlimited, says, “we’re delighted to organise this event and bring together leading companies from the Manufacturing & Supply Chain Industry who are looking to recruit new talent. The industry employs 250,000+ people and is growing at a rapid rate. We believe that there’s something for everyone at this Manufacturing & Supply Chain Careers Expo.”

Manufacturing & Supply Chain Careers Expo

As well as featuring some of Ireland’s leading employers, the Expo will also feature Professional Career Coaches offering one-on-one CV, job-seeking and career advice, plus 2 Virtual Stages (Agenda Stage & Google Digital Garage) hosting webinars and talks from a diverse range of industry experts on important and topical issues. 

Virtual Recruitment Ireland have continued to provide Jobs Expos and Virtual Events throughout the pandemic building their platform user-base to 10k+ using the latest in interactive, mobile-friendly, technology to connect employers with skilled talent.

Recruit.ie also has hundreds of jobs advertised and leads the way in recruitment consultancy and event organisation.


Are you interested in exhibiting at Virtual Recruitment Expos? Call +353 1 215 0518 or email info@virtualrecruitment.ie

Further information on Manufacturing & Supply Chain Careers Expo

Learn more about Recruit.ie & Virtual Recruitment Ireland

Contact Bronagh Cotter at bronagh@recruit.ie

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