Book now to attend the Roads and Transportation Society AGM, to hear the chairperson's review of the year, elect the new committee and discuss plans for the coming year. Please note this is a virtual meeting, so booking is essential. Those who register will be sent the joining details the day before the AGM.
The 2020 AGM of the Roads and Transportation will be a virtual meeting enabling members to join from home.
Chairperson Carol Kavanagh will provide a review of the past year, the new committee will be elected and plans for the coming year discussed.
New committee members are always welcome so if you are interested in joining the committee for 2020-2021, you can do so using the booking system.
The Roads and Transportation society is for engineers with an interest in road and rail design, transport planning and traffic engineering. This committees arranges and host technical presentations, discussions, debate and social events in the regions and represent the group at liaison committee. If you are interested in being a part of this, please contact one of the team.